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Through exclusive testimonies and clandestine videos, We Iranian Women gives voice to courageous women in Iran who risked their lives to share their stories. Many prominent women in culture, art, and academia, who were forced to leave their beloved country, explain their perilous and often tragic experiences. The film chronicles their ongoing battle against patriarchy, economic crisis, corruption, and rigid religious and ideological beliefs.


Sabina Fedeli has been a television journalist since 1986. As a special correspondent for Mediaset, she covers national and international news events with newscasts and reports. She follows the war in the former Yugoslavia, the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, the coup in Moscow, the Algerian crisis of the 1990s, and revolutions in North Africa. Various investigations on violence against women, environmental pollution, ecomafias. Particular focus on immigration and Islamic fundamentalism. Contributes to Enzo Biagi's programs “Spot” and “Linea Diretta” and to Indro Montanelli and Paolo Granzotto's in-depth weekly “Contro Corrente.” She edits in-depth programs such as Link “Cronache dell'era digitale” and “Mission” with Mimmo Lombezzi. She collaborates with various newspapers, including “Panorama” and “D Donna.’ For Vanity Fair she produces an exclusive interview with Giovanni Falcone and publishes unpublished letters from prison by Adriana Faranda. She was part of the editorial staff of “Terra!”, the weekly in-depth magazine of Tg5, then of Rete 4, edited by Toni Capuozzo. As a freelancer, she collaborated in the production, as screenwriter and director, of several documentaries for film and television: I am Yoav (Rai, 2015), Hitler v. Picasso. The Nazi obsession with art (Sky Arte and cinema, 2018), Il museo del Prado la corte delle meraviglie (Sky Arte and cinema, 2019), Venezia infinita avanguardia (Sky Arte and cinema, 2021), "Picasso. Un ribelle a Parigi. Storia di una vita e di un museo (Picasso. A Rebel in Paris. The story of a life and a museum ") (with Didi Gnocchi and Arianna Marelli). She wrote and directed, together with Anna Migotto, the movie“#AnneFrank Vite Parallele”, the story of Anne Frank's life intertwined with that of five Jewish girls who, like her, went through the horror of the Holocaust but, unlike Anne, survived. The film's narrator is Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren. The Witnesses to the tragedy of the Holocaust who tell their stories are Andra and Tatiana Bucci, Sarah Montard, Helga Weiss, and Arianna Szörenyi (Sky Art and Cinema, 2019). She wrote and directed with Anna Migotto the documentary Noi donne afgane (Sky documentaries, 2021) and Noi donne iraniane (2023). She wrote the book “The Glasses of Feeling. Ida Bonfiglioli. A Century of History in the Memory of a Ferrara Jewess” (Giuntina, 2017), “#AnneFrank. Vite parallele” (Feltrinelli, 2023). In 2003 she won “Alpi Prize” for the in-depth special Focus and Run. In 2007 “” for the reportage The House of Horror- Honor killing in Palestine. In 2011 “Alpi Critics' Award” for the reportage The Persecuted.

Anna Migotto has been a television journalist since 1987. As a special correspondent for RTI- Mediaset, she has covered national and international news events in in-depth newscasts and weeklies. She has covered the conflicts in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the uprisings in North Africa. She has worked extensively on organized crime and mafias. She has made many reports on the phenomenon of migration, modern slavery, and radicalization. She was a member of the editorial staff of Channel 5’s “Matrix” program and the weekly in-depth news program of Tg5 and then Rete 4's “Terra!” She signed the world exclusive of the lynching of Israeli reservists in a Palestinian police barracks in Ramallah on October 12, 2000. As a free-lance journalist, she collaborated on several TV documentaries as scriptwriter and director: The Happiest Age (Mediaset, 2014), I am Yoav (Rai, 2015), Father Lenin and His Brothers (Rai,2019), Citizen Rosi (Francesco Pasinetti Prize at the 76th Venice International Film Festival, 2019). In 2019, she also made the documentary "Piazza Fontana. The funerals that saved democracy" (Sky Arte). In 2021 she made the documentary Scalfari, a sentimental journey (Rai 3). She wrote and directed, together with Sabina Fedeli, the movie #AnneFrank Parallel Lives” the story of Anne Frank's life intertwined with that of five Jewish girls who, like her, went through the horror of the Holocaust but, unlike Anne, survived. The film's narrator is Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren. The Witnesses of the Holocaust tragedy who tell their stories are Andra and Tatiana Bucci, Sarah Montard, Helga Weiss, and Arianna Szörenyi (Sky Art and Cinema, 2019). She wrote and directed with Sabina Fedeli the documentary “Noi donne afghane” (Sky documentaries, 2021) and “Noi donne iraniane” (2023). She is coauthor of the book “Don't Expect Me Alive. The banality of horror in the voices of jihadi boys” (Einaudi Stile Libero). With Sabina Fedeli she wrote “#AnneFrank. Parallel Lives” (Feltrinelli, 2023). Among the journalistic awards received: “Premiolino - Journalist of the Month” (2001), “Saint Vincent” (2001), “Ilaria Alpi Prize”(2001) for coverage of the lynching in Ramallah; “Ernest Hemingway Award” (2001) for coverage of the Middle East; “Ischia Award” (2003) for coverage of the war in Iraq; "Ilaria Alpi" Critics' Award (2011) for the reportage "Le Perseguitate." On November 3, 2003, she was awarded the honor of Knight of the “Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana" by President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. She worked as an author of the in-depth journalistic programs "Via delle Storie" and “SetteStorie” aired on Rai1, Italian Public Television.


Best Documentary - Cinema d'iDEA, Italy


Catalog # EPF16065 ● ISBN: 978-1-963201-05-5 ● UPC: 6-82086-16065-8 ● NTSC

57 Minutes ● Copyright 2023 ● English, French, Farsi, Italian, English Subtitles

For purchase orders, to book screenings and for other inquiries, please contact:
Larry Rattner -

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