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“I’m black, born Haitian, French and Jewish by adoption. I feel all those things, but people only see me as a black person, so it's hard for me to find my place.”

At 34, David has reached the pinnacle of academic achievement. He has passed his doctoral examination and is about to become a Doctor of Law. However, David still had a calling. He has yet to find his place in the world. David was born Haitian and then adopted by a French Jewish family. We follow his dreams and fears, as he searches for an uncertain answer in a world that marginalizes differences. David is an alien in his own homeland. A stranger among his fellow Haitians; David is on a quest to find his identity.


Of French and Spanish origin, Anais Huerta completed two Masters Degrees in Political Science in France and Canada. In 2006 she created Amaina Films in Mexico City with producer and cinematographer Raul Cuesta. Amaina Films produces short and long documentaries, as independent projects or for NGOs and media companies, and teaches at the Institute of Cinema Studies (CUEC) of the University of Mexico (UNAM) and gives documentary workshops in Mexico and abroad. Anais works in Spain, Mexico, France, Bolivia, Canada, India and Haiti. In 2009 she directed Rehje (Mexican Film Institute), an award winning long documentary about the life of an indigenous woman in Mexico. Rehje has won six international awards and has been selected in more than 70 film festivals from across de world.


TV UNAM Award, FICUNAM, México
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, United States
CEMEDOC International Nonfiction Contest, México
Festival Túr de Cine Mexico
Black Canvas Contemporary Film Festival, México
Cinema Planeta International Film Festival, México
Zanate International Documentary Film Festival of México
Oaxaca Film Festival, México


Catalog # EPF16020 ● ISBN: 978-1-933724-60-7 ● UPC: 6-82086-16020-7 ● NTSC

96 Minutes ● Copyright 2017 ● French, Haitian Creole, English Subtitles

For purchase orders, to book screenings and for other inquiries, please contact:
Larry Rattner -

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